Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Here is some things I've observed about Colorado...
  • People are terrible drivers. I hail from Massachusetts, so I know bad driving. These people are worse. Thrown in bike lanes and strange blinking cross-walks and it makes for lots of fun.
  • Bi-polar weather. Again, hailing from New England I have experienced unpredictable weather. One day it's -1 degree here, the next it's 30. WTF?
  • No HD news channels. Comcast has no explanation for this.
  • Excessive body odor. I am not being petty. Deodorant is optional here. It's disgusting.
  • Homeless people. I think there might be more "homeless" people here than in Chicago per capita. I might add that these "homeless" people are quite well dressed. I find this annoying. Just because you chose to move out west, and don't have any money means you should panhandle. Take your nice backpack and hiking shoes and go back HOME. You are not getting my change because you chose this lifestyle.
  • Old people with kids. Maybe there is something in the water here, but I have never seen more gray haired parents. It's kind of disturbing.
I am seriously counting the minutes until when I get back to civilization. Not sure I am ever coming back either.

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