Saturday, December 27, 2008

Holiday Travel

Ugh... As I type this I am half in the bag at DFW (that's the Dallas airport for those of you not in "the know"). I have been trying to get back to Boston for 24 hours, with no luck. Let me recap the last24 hours of my life.

12/26 7AM MST: Woken up by Kira, sadly after Daddy and I went to bed after drinking MUCH too much wine.

12/26 9AM MST: Load Spore which was a Christmas gift from D. Played until 11:30AM even though I was NOT packed or close to it. I curse him for buying me this since he knows how addicted to shit like this I get.

12/26 2PM MST: Leave for the airport, with a pit stop at the baby mama's house. Laugh at the purified vomit in the driveway and drill the digits "867-5309" into Kira's head.

12/26 4:05PM MST: My 5:05 departure has been moved to 6:30PM

12/26 4:45PM MST: Say good bye to my lovies and wish them well en route to the Midwest.

12/26 4:47PM MST: Learn Midway has been closed.

12/26 6:10PM MST: Pay admirals club bar tab, and head to gate C37.

12/26 6:15PM MST: Get to gate, and wonder how a flight to LAX (that has not even deplaned) will board and take off in 2 seconds.

12/26 6:30PM MST: Grumble that my flight is delayed.

12/26 7:10PM MST: Grumble that my flight is delayed some more.

12/26 8:00PM MST: Flight to ORD canceled.

12/26 8:05PM MST: Confirm re-booking and head to collect bags.

12/26 8:55PM MST: Drops bags down the escalator. Yes, that really happened.

12/26 10:35PM MST: Back in Boulder thanks to a spare car & house key.

12/27 4:15AM MST: Back on the road to DEN thanks to my Garmin.

12/27 6:00AM MST: On flight ready to go.

12/27 10:55AM CST: Stuck in Wichita Falls, TX to refuel since DFW is closed.

12/27 1:35PM CST: Finally off the plane in Dallas.

12/27 4:55PM CST: Half in the bag, writing this post. Board in 45 minutes, god willing.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hammer Time

Woo hoo! This woman from Hamilton (aka The Hammer) made it three days in the snow.

I love my hometown.

Joyeux Noel

I just want to wish all my people Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noel.

Much love - K

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Here is some things I've observed about Colorado...
  • People are terrible drivers. I hail from Massachusetts, so I know bad driving. These people are worse. Thrown in bike lanes and strange blinking cross-walks and it makes for lots of fun.
  • Bi-polar weather. Again, hailing from New England I have experienced unpredictable weather. One day it's -1 degree here, the next it's 30. WTF?
  • No HD news channels. Comcast has no explanation for this.
  • Excessive body odor. I am not being petty. Deodorant is optional here. It's disgusting.
  • Homeless people. I think there might be more "homeless" people here than in Chicago per capita. I might add that these "homeless" people are quite well dressed. I find this annoying. Just because you chose to move out west, and don't have any money means you should panhandle. Take your nice backpack and hiking shoes and go back HOME. You are not getting my change because you chose this lifestyle.
  • Old people with kids. Maybe there is something in the water here, but I have never seen more gray haired parents. It's kind of disturbing.
I am seriously counting the minutes until when I get back to civilization. Not sure I am ever coming back either.

Monday, December 15, 2008

What was the photographer thinking?

In the spirit of Christmas, I thought I'd share one of my favorite holiday pictures. This picture was taken when I was almost one or almost two. I really have no idea, but I was walking.

My darling Auntie took me to the local Sears for some holiday photos. She was not forewarned by my parents that I was already training for Olympic hide and go seek. I used to love taking off, and hiding in the clothing racks. I guess I took off and bit it before I made it to the rack.

I think it's great she actually followed through with the picture. Busted chin and all.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

They're at it again...

I guess funding Prop HATE 8 wasn't enough for them.

Now they predict our president elect won't make it to office.

Give it a break.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sour Grapes

There is a colleague with whom I've worked on and off (but mostly on) for just over the last two years. I am about to go ape shit on this person.

Today, for the third time in the last two years, this person thrown me under the fucking bus. WTF!!! I have been nothing but nice, helpful and understanding to this person. They, however, are selfish, untrustworthy and just a douche.

I won't go into any further details because god forbid they read this. I just hope they know that karma is a mother fucker.

Enough said.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Indiana confuses me more and more each day

Here is another good idea gone array. I am not quite sure who would the intended consumer is for Planned Parenthood gift certificates. Planned Parenthood hopes philanthropists will by them for low-income patients, but I wonder how that would get itemized on a tax return?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why don't I fly Star Alliance?

Answer: here

Although, it does pain me to ding one of my countrymen.

Move Over Cleanliness

D. and I have had an on-going discussion about the plates listed in this article. When we lived in Chicago, we spent countless hours on the road driving to and from his parents house 5(ish) hours away. Now Indiana is a peculiar place. You have some towns that make you feel like you're in the deep south (not that I have ever been to the deep south, I imagine it would be like this.) And you have places like Bloomington (home of IU) which is liberal as all hell.

With a state fairly split (hell - it went to Obama) I am shocked that these plates are free. Indiana has a whole array of available plates. Here are some of my favorites: the abortion plate, the fancy Shriner sword plate, and about 10M college/university plates. Alllll the other plates have a fee, except the standard plate and the god plate.

Growing up, we didn't really "do" the church thing. I went periodically with my grandmothers, but my parents worked shifts so we never really went as a family. So.... I may be biased. BUT... why do the Native American's have to PAY??? Weren't they here before us???? I truly just want equality for all... and this isn't it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Boob tube

So I was going to write an entry about how much TV has sucked these days, and then I came across this entry. I am totally convinced that the people who watch less TV work MUCH less than I do. When you're on all day, it's nice to come off, pour a large goblet of Cab and zone out.

Anyway - back to the plan. As you may know, I travel for work. I work long days, and I really like watching TV. Well, for some reason NO HOTELS IN CHICAGO HAVE BRAVO. Don't they know that Bravo is the shit? WTF. On a weekly basis they deprive me of Top Chef, Top Design, Project Runway (yes I know it's over, but I am making a point), and every variation of Housewives. I swear if I miss the Reunion episode and miss this I am quitting my job. Bravo aside, I am so far behind on Dexter, I don't think I'll be getting out of bed before Sunday. Sheesh.

Does one think cats can be trained to open wine? They can be trained to use a toliet, is this so far off?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

20 tidbits about moi - part one

To get my 16 remaining posts (or, is it 17?) here are some tidbits about lil, ole me.
  1. I like to take pictures
  2. I prefer lemons to limes in all cases
  3. I hail from the great white north (aka Canada)
  4. I spoke Serbian before English
  5. My ideal job would be clandestine spy work
  6. I may be the only person in my age group who has never been to Las Vegas, nor cares to ever go
  7. I was born on a Tuesday, which clearly make whoever wrote that nursery rhyme wrong as I am not full of grace - ha!
  8. I am new to blogging, so sorry if this sucks
  9. My car is purple (the Germans call it Sparkling Graphite Metallic, I call it purple)
  10. I exclusively use Lypsyl chapstick (cherry or mint - only available in the aforementioned motherland)
  11. Words I really, really dislike are as follows: morsel, tasty, nosh, & natch
  12. The job I have now is nothing like I would have expected growing up
  13. My favorite food is cheese
  14. I didn't really have any pets growing up, which explains my slight aversion to them
  15. I have been replaces in my dad's will by two cats (which only fuels the aversion)
  16. I was at Grant Park when Obama won the election
  17. Lint in my arch nemesis
  18. I recently watched a documentary called La Corona and found it quite good
  19. I really like wine
  20. I am currently, slightly hungover due to #19


In honor of NaBloPoMo, I am going to try to blog every day. We will see if that happens. BTW... I am working on an entry from Grant Park last Tuesday. It was off the chain.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Life

I feel like the flow chart pictured to the right pretty much encapsulates my life and what I do for a living.

I have been stuck in suburban NY for the last few weeks with a bunch of folks I'd rather not be with. Most of them are Yankees fans to boot (adding insult to injury).

My job is so great that the last few weeks have really made me question my career choice. I mean seriously, who dreams as a little kid that they will be testing interfaces?? Not I. I was going to be a photographer or creating advertising.

Anyway... had to vent about the joys of project work.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Great White North

I am back home for the (Canadian) Thanksgiving holiday which should be fun. It's always a treat to see my moms and the fam. I am pretty excited for a low key weekend, although I might have to work. Over the weekend. Again. Like for the fourth weekend in a row. Boo.

Anyway, back to work. I guess I am not getting paid to blog whilst listening to Lil' Wayne.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Barack Attack

D. is going to a Barak Obama rally tomorrow in Indy - and I am jealous. I will be toiling away in an office building dealing with retarded technology issues and the people that create them.

Link to the rally:

I am watching the debate as I type this. McCain's pathetic cracks at jokes are so painful to watch. You know... I didn't hate McCain before this season began. I have disliked him since he chose that anti-choice, anti-evolution crazy woman from Alaska. Does anyone take her seriously? I often wonder if McCain even believes what she says. If the Red ticket wins - I am so moving back to Canada. Not a joke.

I don't want a president who is Joe or Jane six pack. I don't. I want my president to be smarter, wiser and braver than myself. I also don't want a 70 something year old man in the office either. His expiration date is quickly approaching. Don't let the younger wife and college age kids fool you.

Obama-Biden all the way!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Winds of Change

Ever have a time in your life when you know you have a decision to make? Not a chocolate or vanilla decision, or a beer or vodka decision. But a really important decision that will surely impact the rest of your life? Well, that's where I am now.

I can see my life going one of two ways and I really don't know which to path to take. One path takes me home. Where I know I would be happy. Back to people that love me, and would fill a void in my life that has been growing for 14 years. The other path is more uncertain, yet more familiar. This path has been my life for the last four years. It's been rocky at times, but I wouldn't trade a minute of it. Each path has pros and cons. I just can't figure out which to take.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Colorado Bound

As many of my friend know, D. and I have been struggling with where to live for a very long time. Luckily, I think this may be coming to an end. We have decided to move to Boulder, Colorado. I already feel that Rocky Mountain High. No, but seriously, I do have a laundry list of concerns. They are as follows:
  • No significant body of water within 1000 miles. Everywhere I have lived in my life, has been on the edge of some large body of water - either the ocean or a great lake. I like water, it relaxes me. I know I have the Rockies here, but I just don't know if it will feel the same.
  • The prices. Who knew Colorado would be so expensive? To be perfectly honest, Boulder is the most expensive place (with the expectation of CB, Vail, Aspen etc), so I hope we can find a home. If I wanted to live in a condo - I would have stayed in Chicago.
  • The ex factor. Can I really deal with that and her putz of a husband for the rest of my life. Vodka give me strength.
  • The hippies. Seriously, I gag at the smell of patchouli. It's gross.
  • The sunshine. I like the sun... but it's dreary and rainy here this week and I love it!!
I'll keep everyone posted on how house hunting day 1 goes.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Tattoo removal - take 2, several months delayed

Hello! Here are the before and after picture from my last tattoo removal session. The before pics are actually after the local anesthetic if you notice the little red bumps. Anyway, progress it being made, and appointment number three is in 3 weeks. I can't wait for these to be gone.

As you can see, they are fading at a different rate. The bottom three were all done at the same place and are my oldest. The heart one (that I really do like, just not the size and location) is newer and darker. I recall when it was getting done that the "artist" had a heavy hand.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Tattoo Removal Part One

I have never been against cosmetic procedures. I would like to have my nose done, some lipo, and Botox. None of which I will probably ever do. However, I do have six tattoos (well, technically eight) of which I only actually like three.

After much thought, I have decided to get my old tattoo's removed. I have been contemplating this for some time, but assumed it was going to cost me out-the-nose and I didn't have the cash. This Christmas I spent a lot of alone time with Duke (my feline brother), and subsequently spent a lot of time at Marshall's in Vinnin Square. I picked up several really cute dresses and had planned to wear one on New Years. Well, once again, I couldn't deal with the fact that I had a HUGE tattoo showing (see Tribal Heart to the right) and opted for a shirt with a full back.

Long story short; I did a lot of Googling and calling to respectable tattoo shops for a referral. I ended up at the Ritacca Laser Center in Vernon Hills, IL despite it being almost an hour from my house in the city.

I had only planned on a consultation for one tattoo - but ended up signing up to have all three of the large ones on my back removed together.
Yea me. They offer a discount if they treat multiple areas at once, and they had me at 50% the other two. The doctor insisted I get local anesthetic (in addition to the topical) since I was having such a large area done. Again, yea me. So, after 25 minutes of needles to numb my tattoos it was time for the laser.

HOLY CRAP IT HURTS!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, anyone even thinking about getting a tattoo should get one snap of this laser before they let the needle hit their skin. Hands down the worst pain I have ever felt. In my research I read that some compared the pain to that of an elastic band snapping on your skin. Ugh... no. Maybe if the elastic band was laced with electricity and spikes! The total snapping was only for maybe 2 minutes. Oh, and you can smell burning flesh.

Click here to see an actual laser removal session.

I left the room in daze... Two minutes later, my hands were shaking and my teeth chattering. Next time I am definitely taking a Xanax before I go.

Two days later I feel OK. There was no real pain after the treatment; just uncomfortable because I have the treated areas covered with gauze and some prescription cream. At $610 a pop; I hope I see results before my next appointment April 5th.